CapitaLand Ascott Trust (CLAS), formerly known as Ascott Residence Trust (ART), is a stapled group comprising CapitaLand Ascott Real Estate Investment Trust (CapitaLand Ascott REIT), formerly known as Ascott Real Estate Investment Trust (Ascott REIT), and CapitaLand Ascott Business Trust (CapitaLand Ascott BT), formerly known as Ascott Business Trust (Ascott BT).
CLAS is managed by CapitaLand Ascott Trust Management Limited (as manager of CapitaLand Ascott REIT), formerly known as Ascott Residence Trust Management Limited, and CapitaLand Ascott Business Trust Management Pte. Ltd. (as trustee-manager of CapitaLand Ascott BT), formerly known as Ascott Business Trust Management Pte. Ltd. The manager and trustee-manager (the Managers) are wholly owned subsidiaries of Singapore-listed CapitaLand Investment Limited, a leading global real estate investment manager with a strong Asia foothold. The Managers are responsible for the management and administration of CLAS and the implementation of CLAS’ strategy.
The Managers intend to implement the investment strategy of CLAS in accordance with the following guidelines:
Investment portfolio primarily in income-producing real estate and real estate-related assets which are used, or predominantly used as serviced residences, rental housing properties, student accommodation and other hospitality assets in any country in the world.
Investments will generally be for the long-term.
The Managers will implement the principal investment strategy of CLAS in accordance with the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Property Funds Guidelines, Business Trust Act, the Trust Deeds and Stapling Deed and any other applicable laws.
Our Vision: To be the premier hospitality trust with quality assets in key global cities.
Our Mission: To deliver stable and sustainable returns to Stapled Securityholders.
The Managers plan to achieve the above through the following strategies:-
The Managers adhere to an ethics and code of business conduct policy, which includes guidelines on the following areas:
The policy and guidelines can be found on our corporate website or are published on the intranet, which is accessible by all employees of the Managers.